3 Design Tips To Create a Beautiful and Functional Front Walkway For Your Business…
Good commercial landscape design is part form and part function. The design should enhance the overall look and image of your building but the design elements should also serve a functional purpose. In order to make the landscape work for you, think about how you want people to interact with your property and what you want them to think about your business. You want to make sure that every aspect of your business’ brand is eye catching for new and returning customers alike. Your front walkway should be in top shape. When thinking about a new walkway think about how the landscape will look at maturity. Have an understanding of the level of maintenance that will be required. A landscape professional can advise you about lower maintenance plants and trees and ones that will help provide the functional benefits you desire. The following are tips for designing and maintaining a great front walkaway for your business…
Pathway Design is Important
Stick with straighter or sweeping curved walkway because sharp turns and multiple curves can cause frustration or have people taking shortcuts to your main entrance way. You want to give your customers and your employees a beautiful first impression when entering your business.
Border Ideas for the Front Walkway
Use ferns or other native plants that will require minimal maintenance while providing beauty year-around. Including walkway lights would be a great feature. Select solar powered lights to cut down on installation and energy cost. If you cannot create a complete new pathway, give the old one a new border. A suggestion would be adding a one foot border of wood chips and cover with landscaping rocks and adding hosta plants.
Use Flowers Along Your Walkway
In a 4 season location you will want to select flowers that not only add beauty in the summer. The landscape professional would be able to suggest planting flowers that will look good throughout all seasons in your area.
Contact us (859-640-0657) for a free consultation!
About Presentable Landscaping
Presentable Landscaping provides many landscaping services to our customers in Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati.