Winter Is the Time to Start Figuring Out How You Can Refresh Your Landscaping So You Can Enjoy It In the Warmer Months…
Winter is the time to start figuring out how you are going to refresh your hardscaping and landscaping for the warmer months. Maybe you have water pooling up in your yard or cracks in your concrete or crumbling in your pavers or retaining wall. Below are some suggestions on how you can correct those problems before warmer weather is here…
Is Water Pooling In Your Yard?
Are there parts of your yard where water just seems to sit. You’re not quite sure why. You definitely don’t like the way it looks and also do not like the idea of wasting water. You want to avoid having mud tracked into the house by pets or kids. Most importantly, you really don’t want your yard to become a mosquito magnet next summer. The first way is to adjust the grade or slope of your yard so the water will run off and not damage your home. Install a new drainage system to re-route water away from areas where it tends to collect. You can use a drain pipe or a french drain to catch water from one area and drain it to another more suitable area. Drains make for very functional sensible options but you also may want to consider a creek bed or rain garden to revive a beautiful outdoor space in addition to solving the drainage problem. Many decisions to consider to solve your problem.
Is Your Patio Cracked or Deteriorating?
Concrete installations are designed to last hundreds of years, but sooner or later, most concrete patios end up developing small cracks, gaps, holes, and crevices. If your concrete path, patio, or driveway has begun to show signs of cracking, it may be time for you to make the necessary repairs sooner rather than later. Due to the freeze and thaw cycle, it is all too common for you to have one of these situations happen during the life of your structure. The first thing you need to do is determine the cause behind it. It is usually water damage. Excess water will cause the ground underneath and around your patio to expand and contract. A professional will take into account all the proper installation methods for drainage away from the house, and guarantee their work. You may need a new patio poured and if so there are many new colors and stamp patterns to mimic the look of stone that you can incorporate.
Are Any of Your Retaining Walls Starting to Crumble or Lean?
Whether a retaining wall is built of stone, block, concrete, or wood, it can begin to lean. When this occurs, the homeowner has two choices: either demolish the wall, re-excavate, re-install drains and rebuild, or call in a foundation repair specialist. A professional can quickly stabilize the wall and in many cases pull it back into its original position. Foundation repair companies are accustomed to fixing foundation walls using similar techniques. So rather than live with an unsightly and falling retaining wall, take the time to meet with a professional who can give you suggestions to properly fix the problem. Retaining walls make for a great solution to homes that sit upon a slope and hills. Building a wall can open up an area for a patio or play area for the kids. Or maybe you would like a grilling station, any of these will maximize the use and value of your property.
Contact us (859-640-0657) for a free consultation!
About Presentable Landscaping
Presentable Landscaping provides many landscaping services to our customers in Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati.